

The RISC OS web browser.

Download Demo | Purchase full license | Register

*Features include support for:

  • HTML 3.2 
  • HTML 4.0 compliancy on supported elements
  • Javascript 1.5 with DOM Level 0.
  • Secure Sockets Layer (SSL 3.0)
  • Cascading Style Sheets 1.0 (except layers)
  • Frames with frame history
  • Cookies
  • Secure Authentication
  • In memory session cache  
  • JPEG (including progressive)
  • GIF (including animated)
  • PNG
  • WAV (including MS ADPCM)
  • AU
  • MP3
  • Macromedia Flash 3.0 and 4.0
  • Scalable vector font technology
  • Unicode 8 & 16 bit
  • ASCII 7 & 8 bit
  • BIG5 - Chinese Traditional
  • GB / HZ - Chinese Simplified
  • JIS / SJIS / UJIS - Japanese
  • UKSC - Korean
  • TIS - Thai
  • Favourites
  • Output: Graphics and HTML
  • Suitable for RISC OS 3.5 and above using 256 or more colours
  • Customisable GUI
* Some of these features are not fully supported. Please see our FAQ for details

To download a demo version of Oregano2 go here.

To obtain the full version of Oregano2 you will need to register with your Registration PIN.

Registration PINs can be obtained by purchasing a full version of Oregano2 online or calling our sales team on 01728 723200.

If you received Oregano2 bundled with a new computer from Castle you will find your Oregano2 Registration PIN on the accompanying card.

If you did not receive a Registration PIN with your new computer and you believe you are entitled to one then please contact sales@iyonix.com with your invoice number and computer serial number.

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© Castle Technology Ltd 2003. Castle is a trading name of Castle Technology Ltd. E&OE. Acorn and the Acorn Nut device are Trademarks.